Minggu, 21 November 2010


1. Tom opens the door. ~ the door is opened by tom
2. Tom is opening the door ~ the door is being opened by tom
3. Tom has opened the door ~ the door has been opened by tom
4. Tom opened the door ~ the door was opened by tom
5. Tom was opening the door ~ the door was being opened by tom
6. Tom had opened the door ~ the door had been opened by tom
7. Tom will open the door ~ the door will be opened by tom
8. Tom is going to open the door ~ the door is going to be opened by tom
9. Tom will have opened the door ~ the door will have been opened by tom

1. Shakespeare wrote the play ~ the play was written by Shakespeare
2. Bill will invite Ann to the party ~ Ann will be invited to the party by Bill
3. Alex is preparing that report ~ that report is being prepared by Alex
4. Waitresses and waiters serve customers ~ Customers are served by waitresses and waiters
5. The teacher is going to explain the lesson ~ the lesson is going to be explained by the teacher
6. Sherly has suggested a new idea ~ a new idea has been suggested by Sherly
7. Two horses were pulling the farmer's wagon ~ the farmer's wagon were being pulling by two horses
8. Kathy had returned the book to the book to the library ~ the book had been returned to the library by kathy
9. By this time tomorrow, the president will have held the announcement ~ the announcement will have been held this time tomorrow by president
10. I dind't write that note. Jim wrote it ~ that note was wrote by jim not me.
11. Alice didn't make that pie. Did Mrs. French make it? ~ that pie was not made by Alice. was Mrs. French make it?
12. Does Prof. Jackson teach that course?I know that Prof. Adam doesn't teach it ~ That course is not being teached by Prof. Adam. Is Prof. Jackson teach it? 
13. Mrs. Andrews hasn't signed those papers yet. Has Mr. Andrews signed them yet?~ those papers has not been signed by Mrs. Andrews. Has Mr. Andrewa signed them yet?
14. Is Mr. Brown painting your house?~ Is your house  being painted by Mr. Brown?
15. His Tricks won't fool me ~ I won't be fooled by his trick.

1. A strange thing happened yesterday ~NC
2. Jackie scored the winning goal~ The winning goal was scored by jackie.
3. My cat died~ NC
4. I agree with Dr, Ikeda's theory~NC
5. Dr. Ikeda developed that theory~ That theory was developed by Dr. Ikeda
6. Timmy dropped the cup~ the cup was dropped by Timmy.
7. The cup fell to the floor~NC
8. The assistant manager interviewed me~ i was interviewed by the assistant manager
9. It rained hard yesterday~NC
10. A hurricane destroyed the small fishing village~ the small fishing village was destroyed by a hurricane
11. Dinosaurus existed million of year ago~NC
12. A large vase stands in the corner of our front hallway~ NC
13. The children seemed happy when they went to the zoo~NC
14. After class, one of the students always erases the chalkboard~ the chalkboard is being erased after class by one of the students.

1. my sweater was made in England ~ NC
2. The new highway will be completed sometime next month~ sometime next month will complete the new highway
3. Languange skill are taught in every school in the country~
4. Beethoven's Seven Symphony was performed at the concert last night~ The concert performed Beethoven's Seven Symphony at last night.
5. The world cup soccer games are being televised all over the world~
6. This composition was written by Ali. That one was written by Yoko~
7. The Washinton Monument is visited by hundreds of people everyday~ hundreds of people visit The Washington Monument everyday.
8. The chief writing material of ancient times was papyrus. It was used in Egypt, Greece, and other Mediterranean lands~
9. Parchment, another writing material that was widely used in ancient times, was made from the skin of animals such as sheep and goats. After the hair had been removed, the skins were stretched and rubbed smooth~
10. Paper, the main writing material today, was invented by the Chinese~ the Chinese invented paper, the main writing material today.

1. People grow corn in low a ~Corn is grown in low a
2. Peter came here two months ago~NC
3. Someone made this antique table in 1734~This antique table was made in 1734
4. An accident happened at the corner of~NC
5. Someone stole my purse~My purse was stolen
6. Someone was making the coffee when I walked into the kitchen~The coffee was being made when I walked into the kitchen
7. Translator have translated that book into many languages~That book have been translated into many languages
8. Jim’s daughter drew that picture. My son drew this picture~That picture was drawn by Jim's daughter. This picture was drawn by my son 
9. The judges will judge the applicants on the basis of their originality~The applicants on the basis of their originality will be judged by the judges
10. My sister’s plane will arrive at 10:35 ~ NC
11. Is professor Rivers teaching that course this semester?~Is that course being teached by professor Rivers this semester?
12. When did someone invent to radio?~NC
13. The mail carrier had already delivered the mail by the time I left for school this morning~The mail had already been delivered by the mail carier by the time I left for school this morning
14. When is someone going to announce the result of the contest?~When is the result of the contest going to be announced?
15. After the concert was over, hundreds of fans mobbed the rock music star outside the theater~The rock music star was mobbed by hundreds of fans outside the theater after the concert was over
16. Ever since I arrived here, I have been living in the dormitory because someone, old me that is was cheaper to live there than in an apartment~NC
17. They are going to build the new hospital next year. They have already built the new elementary school~The new hospital is going to be built by them. The new elementary school have already been built by them
18. If you expose a film to light while you are developinng it, you will ruin the negatives~NC

1. Someone handed Ann a menu at the restaurant
(indirect object – Ann)
Ann was handed a menu at the restaurant
2. Indian University has a awarded Peggy a schoolarship
(indirect object - Peggy)
Peggy has been awarded a schoolarship by Indian University
3. Some company paid Fred three hundred dollars in consulting fees
(Indirect object - Fred)
Fred was paid three hundred dollars in consulting fees
4. A local advertising company has offered Maria a good job
(indirect object - Maria)
Maria has been offered a good job by a local advertising company
5. They will send you a bill at the end of the month
(indirect object - a bill)
A bill will be sent to you at the end of the month
6. Someone will give the starving people a week’s supply of rice as soon as the food supplies arrive in the famine-stricken area
(Indirect Object - a week's supply of rice)
A week's supply of rice will be given to the starving people as soon as the food supplies arrive in the famine - stricken area
1. Someone invited you to a party
I was invited to a party
2. Someone wrote that book in 1987
That book was written in 1987
3. Fahmi wrote that book in 1987
That book was written by Fahmi in 1987
4. People grow rice in many countries
Rice is grown in many countries
5. The secretary is typing the letter
The letter is being typed by the secretary
6. Someone is televising the game
The game is being televised
7. Teachers teach reading in the first grade
Reading is teached by teachers in the first grade
8. Someone has offered Dodo a good job
Dodo has been offered a good job
9. Someone told you to be here at ten
I was told to be here at ten
10. Someone published that book in 1985
That book was published in 1985
11. Someone has sent Sintia an invitation to a wedding
An invitation to a wedding has been sent to Sintia
12. Someone made that hat in Mexico
That hat was made in Mexico
13. In the early 80s, Photographs of Mars have been sent back to earth by unmanned spaces probes. From these photographs, scientist have been able to make detailed maps of the surface of Mars.
14. A network of lines have been discovered on Mars astronomer called these lines “channels,” but when the Italian word was translated into English, it became “canals”. As a result, some people thought the lines were waterways that have been built by some unknown living creatures. We now know that the lines are not really canals. Canals are not existing on Mars.

1. James should be told the news as soon as possible
2. Someone should told James the news immediately
3. James should have been told the news a long time ago
4. Meat must be kept in a refrigerator or it will spoil
5. You must kept meat in a refrigerator or it will spoil
6. We tried, but the window couldn’t be opened it was painted shut
7. I tried, but I couldn’t open the window
8. Good news! I may offered a job soon. I had an interview at an engineering firm yesterday
9. Chris has good news. The engineering firm where she had an interview yesterday may be offered her a job soon
10. I hope Chris accepts our job offer, but I know she’s been having interviews with several companies. She may already be offered job by a competing firm before we made our offer
11. A competing firm may already offered Chris a job we made our offer.

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