Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

verbs on EXCERCISE 1 and EXCERCISE 2 unit 3

1.  COST
3.  WEAR
4.  OWN
5.  LOOK
6.  WRIT
7.   BITE
9.   THINK
10. DO
12. FIX
13. NEED
16. WORK
17. HAVE
19. TALK
20. MEAN
21. KNOW
22. RUB
26. SEE
27. STEP
30. FIND
34. WALK
35. SIT
36. STOP
37. NEAR
38. LIKE
39. RUN
42. SLIP

Senin, 18 Oktober 2010





Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010



Keluarga tempat dimana Vicky dan Jason tumbuh dan berkembang adalah kemungkinan terbesar dalam pembentukan mereka.Dimana kelahiran mereka direncanakan dan dinanti?Berapa umur orangtua mereka?Bagaimana baiknya menghubungkan kepribadian orangtua dan anak?Apakah orangtua sehat?Apakah mereka kaya atau miskin?Berapa banyak anggota keluarga dirumah?Perjalanan berpengaruh juga disisi lain.Anak-anak juga memberi efek orangtuanya dengan jalan keluar yang tidak terjawab,menyalurkan suasana dari hati ke hati,prioritas dan rencana untuk masadepan dalam pernikahan itu sendiri.

Keluarga hidup diantara Vicky dan Jason ini sangat berbeda dari apa yang akan terjadi berabad lal,dan kehidupan keluarga seperti mengganti lebih untuk masa kedepan.Pertumbuhan seorang anak sekarang seperti hanya mempunya 1 saudara,dan ibunya bekerja diluar rumah dan seorang ayah lebih sulit dalam kehidupan anaknya daripada hidupnya sendiri dahulu.dan menerima kasih sayang dalam jumlah yang besar daripada yang tidak ada hubungan kekerabatan.Pertama dalam pengasuhan anak dirumah atau hari pusat kasih sayang dan lebih dari masa sebelum sekolah.Sekarang anak-anak mempunyai 40 persen kesempatan dalam menghabiskan bagian dari masa kecil hanya dengan orangtua tunggal kemungkinan sang ibu dan kemungkinan akibat perceraian.

Prinsip-prinsip revolusioner ini mempunyai perbedaan cara dalam pelajaran sosialisasi bagaimana anak-anak belajar memikirkan tingkahlaku peradaban yang tepat.Dimasa lampau,sebagian besar peneliti memfokuskan ke ibu dan anak-anak mereka,tetapi sekarang peneliti sedang belajar perbatasan antara anak-anak dan ayah,saudara laki-laki dan saudara perempuan mereka,kakek-nenek,dan pengaruh anak lainnya.

Di lain tren yang mengagumkan dalam riset adalah fokus dalam keseluruhan keluarga.Bagaimana Ellen dan Charles hubungan status pernikahan berefek pada hubungan bahwa antara suami-istri telah dimiliki oleh Vicky?Jess dan Julia berbeda dengan Jason ketika salah satunya sendiri dengannya yang menenukan hasil yang menghasut.Sebagai contoh,ketika orangtua dan orangtua berbicara satu sama lain,mereka membayar sedikit perhatian untuk anak mereka.Di beberapa keluarga kedekatan suami-istri satu sama lain,mereka membayar sedikit perhatian untuk anak mereka.Di beberapa keluarga kedekatan suami-istri satu sama lain mungkin mengurangi kemampuan mereka untuk lebih dekat dengan anak-anak mereka.Di lain keluarga pengalaman orangtua memperkuat hubungan perkawinan dengan melihat keluarga sebagai kesatuan.Kita mendapat gambaran keseluruhan dalam hubungan diantara anggota keluarga.

1. Grow up = Tumbuh.
2. Influence = Pengaruh.
3. Development = Pembagunan.
4. Plan = Merencanakan.
5. Welcome = Datang.
6. Travels = Perjalanan.
7. Works = Bekerja.
8. Study = Belajar.
9. Research = Meneliti.
10. Finding = Menemukan.
11. Talking = Berbicara.

Answer Exercise 1
1. Yes,any relationship between the family and personality development in that case the family is probably teh largest single influence but the sosial environment also influence personality development.

2. Family,and social enviroment factors.

3. The roles of parents for their children are being a mentor to their children and gives more considerable love,and caregiver.

4.Because both parents are parents and talking to each other,they pay less attention to their children.

Exercise 2
1. My Father is my mentor.
Examples of how he guide me.
- He taught me how to resolve problems with friends for example.
My grandfather has been like a mother.
2.My mother is my best friend.
How she accompany me while I am feeling happiness and sadness.
3. My grandmother/grandfaher has been like a mother/father to me.
How their subtitue parents functions.

Exercise 3
1) Personality 2) Sibling 3) Caregiver 4) Preschool 5) Childhood 6) Divorce 7) Attention 8) Spouse
9) Behaviour.

Exercise 4
1) Grow Up 2) Mesh 3) Parents 4) Wealthy 5) Marriage 6) Family 7) Culture 8) Researcher 9) Detract
10) Ability.

Exercise 5
1. John is Polly's husband Polly is John's wife.
2. Andrew is Joyce's brother Joyce is Andrew's sister.
3. Polly and John are Joyce's parents.Polly is her mother and John is his Father.
4. Andrew and Joyce are John's children.Andrew is his son and Joyce is her daughter.

Exercise 6
Joe is Ann's husband.Alice and Lucy are Fred's sister.Harry is Lucy's and Fred's brother in law.Pat and Eric is Lucy's and Fred's nephew and niece.

Exercise 7
1. Kenny's is Dona's and Lola's adopted child.
2. Kim and May are not suitable spouses.
3. John and Christine are busy parents.
4. Anamita is a great mother and keep her culture.
5. Claire and Bridget are good caregiver of Beth their child.
6. Ann is a not suitable spouse.
7. Jack is a single parent for Barry's his son.

Exercise 8
1. Grow-Grew-Grown.
2. Bite-Bit-Bitten.
3. Do-Did-Done.
4. Hang-Hung-Hung.
5. Rise-Rose-Risen.
6. Swim-Swam-Swum.
7. Wake-Woke-Woken.

Exercise 9
Examples : 1. Rice grows in warm climates.
2. His troubles grew out of his bad temper.

2. The dog bites her leg.
Marry little a bit crazy.
He has bitten his arm.
3. I do something for you.
She did her homework last night.
You have done.
4. Me and my friends hang out at mall in saturday night.
Father hung a hanger in wardrobe.
5. a rise in prices.
The student all rose when the headmaster came in.
The sun had risen from east.
6. I learnt to swim when I was a girl.
He swam into the river.
Mandy has swum into the swimming pool.
7. I don't wake him.
She woke up me from my nightmare.
The cock had woken early.

Exercise 10
1. already a. Forgot.
2. Dancing b. Closed.
3. Injured c. Drunk
4. The author. d. Stopped.
5. Hurriedly. f. Read
6. Attack g. Sleep
7. Won. h. Rise
8. Bought i. Feel.
9. Vacation j. Bit.
10. Command

Exercise 11
1. I would like to live alone one month.
2. I would rather have more brothers and sisters.
3. I would like to have a children,only two children.
4. I would rather live in the some town with my small family.
5. I would rather spend more time with my family than being a career woman.

Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010


SINGMUND FREUD (1856-1939)

Singmund Freud was as Austrian doktor who explored the workings of the human mind. He delevoped psychoanalysis, which is both a way treating neurosis, or mental disturbances, and a theory of how the mind works.
Freud was born in Moravia, now part of Czechoslovakia. When he was four, his family moved to Viena, Austria. Freud entered the University of Viena when he was 17. One day he attended a lecture on nature. He was so fascinated that he made up his mind to become a docter.
Freud become interested in diseases of the mind. In 1885, he won a fellowship to study in Paris under the guidance of a doctor, Jean Martin Chariot, who was famaos for his work on this kind of diseases. The next year, Freud returned to Vienna, married, and began to treat diseases of the mind.
Freud has great insight into the human mind. He thought that every person is born with certain needs, he said, are unconscious-peopleare not a ware of thinking a bout such needs. Freud named the part of mind controlling these instinctive unconscious needs the id, and said that person's id operates to give pleasure.
Freud also said that, as we grow up from infancy, we acquire an ego, a collection of memories and thoughts that help us deal with the word around us. We continue to grow, and from the teaching of our family and society, we develop a superego- a conscience. Our superego and id often push in opposite ways. Our ego usually reduces this conflict by helping us to get pleasure without "hurting" our conscience.
But if a person unconscious thought and needs are very strong, they may cause unusual behavior, or neurosis. Freud's treatment for neurosis is psychoanalysis (examination of the mind), a method for uncovering these unconscious thoughts and understanding how they cause problems, Freud thoughts that dreams-even dreams that seem to make no sense- are a very important clue to understanding the mind.


Explore : menyelidiki
Neurosis : gangguan mental
Disturbances : gangguan
Fascinated : tertarik, terpesona
Diseases : penyakit
Fellowship : beasiswa
Insight : perhatian, wawasan
Unconscious : tidak sadar
Id : keinginan, nafsu
Ego : tindakan untuk mendapatkan keinginan
Superego : norma ( yang mengontrol tindakan / ego)
Pleasure : kesenangan
Infancy : masa kecil
Acquire : mendapatkan
Uncovering : menemukan

A. Reading text tranlation

SIGMUND FREUD (1856-1939)

Sigmund Freud seorang dokter dari Austria yang menyelidiki pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang berkaitan dengan pikiran manusia. Dia mengembangkan psikoanalisis, yaitu suatu cara yang menyembuhkan neurosis, atau gangguan-gangguan mental, demikian pula neurosis merupakan suatu teori bagaimana pikiran bekerja.
Freud dilahirkan di Moravia, sekarang merupakan dari Cekoslowakia. Ketika dia berumur 4 tahun, keluarganya pindah ke Wina, Austria. Freud memasuki Universitas Wina, ketika dia berumur 17 tahun. Suatu hari dia menghadiri kuliah tentang alam, dia sangat kagum sehingga dia memutuskan untuk menjadi seorang dokter.
Freud menjadi tertarik untuk menekuni penyakit-penyakit pikiran. Tahun 1885 dia memperoleh suatu beasiswa untuk belajar di Paris dibawah bimbingan seorang dokter, Jean Martin Chariot, yang terkenal untuk karyanya yang berkaitan dengan penyakit-penyakit itu. Tahun berikutnya, Freud kembali ke Wina, menikah, dan mulai menyembuhkan penyakit-penyakit pikiran.
Freud memiliki pandangan besar mengenai/tentang pikiran manusia. Dia berfikir bahwa setiap orang dilahirkan dengan kebutuhan-kebutuhan tertentu, dia mengatakan, kebutuhan-kebutuhan tersebut tidak disadari (unconscious)-manusia tidak sadar akan kebutuhan-kebutuhan itu. Freud menamakan bagian dari pikiran yang mengendalikan kebutuhan-kebutuhan yang tidak disadari dan instinktif tersebut sebagai id, dan dia mengatakan bahwa id seseorang bekerja untuk memberikan kesenangan.
Freud juga mengatakan bahwa ketika kita tumbuh sejak bayi, kita memperoleh suatu ego, sekumpulan kenangan dan pikiran yang membantu kita berhubungan dengan dunia sekitar kita. Kita terus tumbuh, dan dari pengajaran keluarga dan masyarakat kita, kita mengembangkan suatu superogo- suatu suara batin/kata batin. Superego dan id kita sering mendorong dalam jalan yang berlawanan. Ego kita biasanya mengurangi konflik antara id dan superego karena ego menolong kita untuk memperoleh kesenangan tanpa "melukai" kata batin kita.
Tapi jika pikiran-pikiran dan kebutuhan-kebutuhan tidak sadar seseorang sangat kuat (menonjol). Semua itu dapat menyebabkan prilaku yang tidak biasa, atau neurosis (prilaku menyimpang). Penyembuhan Freud untuk neurosis disebut psikoanalisis (pemeriksaan terhadap pikiran), suatu metode untuk membuka pikiran-pikiran tidak sadar dan memahami bagaimana semua itu menyebabkan masalah-masalah, demikian pula mimpi-mimpi yang kelihatannya tidak masuk akal merupakan suatu tanda yang sangat penting untuk memahami pikiran.

Answer these following question based on the above text!

1. when was Sigmund Freud born? Sigmund Freud was born in Moravia.
2. How old did he die? 83 years old
3. What was he concerned with? He was concerned with diseases of the mind
4. When did he join University? He joined university when he was 17
5. Why did he want to be a doctor? Because he was so fascinated on nature
6. Who was Jean Martin Chariot? Jean Martin Chariot was the Sigmund Freud's advisor/guide
7. According to Freud, food and drink are unconscious needs. Why did he say so? Because they are instinctive for the human beings.
8. These needs, he sad, are unconscious - people are no aware of thinking about such needs. What does "dash" (-)" mean? The dask (-) means the sign of an explamation for the word unconscious.
9. Mention the example of conscious needs and don't forget to explain each! Examples of conscious needs : need for achievement, need for affiliation, need for power.Need for achievement is the need to achieve goals. For example some one want to be a scholar. Need for affiliation is the need for close relationship. For example someone want to have a close friend, boy freind, girl friend. Need for power is the need to influence or persuade others to follow his/her intruction. For example someone want to be a manager/leader.
10. What do id, ego, and superego mean? Id is the need that are instinctive unconscious. For example, it can be an imtict to drink or eat.
Ego is the need to grow or nature an human beings, for example, ego can be the need to be a leader/ manager. Superego is family or social needs. For example superego can be unconssience derived from parents and society such as be good to your freinds, do not spoil the party.

Conscious, make up his mind, fellowship, fascinate, and acquire, disturbance, dealing, and ego

1. He is always confused to choose wich girl he should marry. His friends tells him to make his mind up which girl he tends to marry quickly.
2. He is a smart students but poor. He wants to enter the University without paying anything. His uncle, then, asks him to join a fellowship program
3. My child is always interested in toys-cars and always asks me to buy them. One day we want shopping in delta plaza. Suddenly he stopped in front of car-shop and pointed out the big car. As a mater of fact, he was fascinated by the car, which was like his toy-car. And do you know what happened? He asked me to buy that car!
4. He was in coma for days, but now he is fully conscious again.
5. Some student say, that they study hard because they want to get reward from their parents. Some want to obtain good marks and some other want to aquire knowledge only.
6. Dealing some problems we have to discuss, would you please attend the meeting scheduled on Saturday night, 17 august 1995 at my house. Because it is very urgent, no excuse for you not to come to the meeting. Thanks a lot.